Jenkins Continuous integration(ci) script for docker image build stage

Here is an example of Jenkins CI script for building a Docker image. This assumes you have the Jenkins Docker plugin installed and configured. Make sure you replace placeholder values with your actual values.

package main
pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = "your-docker-image-name"
        DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL = "your-docker-registry-url"
        DOCKER_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS = "your-docker-registry-credentials-id"

    stages {
        stage('Build Docker Image') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // Authenticate with Docker registry
                    docker.withRegistry(DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL, DOCKER_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS) {
                        // Build Docker image
                        // Push Docker image to registry

This script defines a Jenkins pipeline with a single stage (Build Docker Image). The docker.withRegistry block is used to authenticate with the Docker registry using the specified credentials. Inside this block, the Docker image is built using, and then it’s pushed to the registry using docker.image(...).push().

Make sure to replace the placeholder values (your-docker-image-name, your-docker-registry-url, your-docker-registry-credentials-id) with your actual values. Also, ensure that the Jenkins Docker plugin is installed, and the Jenkins user has the necessary permissions to interact with Docker.

Note: The Docker plugin for Jenkins is just one way to interact with Docker in Jenkins. Depending on your Jenkins setup, you might need to use different plugins or approaches. Adjust the script accordingly based on your Jenkins configuration.

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