GitLab CI script with SonarQube analysis and Twistlock image scanning stages

Here is a simple GitLab CI script that includes SonarQube analysis and Twistlock container image scanning stages. Before using this script, make sure you have both SonarQube and Twistlock set up in your environment, and you have the necessary configurations for your projects.

package main
  - build
  - sonarqube_scan
  - twistlock_scan

  SONAR_HOST_URL: "https://your-sonarqube-url"
  SONAR_LOGIN_TOKEN: "your-sonarqube-login-token"
  SONAR_PROJECT_KEY: "your-sonarqube-project-key"
  TWISTLOCK_REGISTRY: "your-docker-registry"
  TWISTLOCK_USERNAME: "your-twistlock-username"
  TWISTLOCK_PASSWORD: "your-twistlock-password"

  - export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"

  stage: build
    - docker build -t your-docker-image-name .
    - docker push your-docker-image-name

  stage: sonarqube_scan
    - sonar-scanner \
        -Dsonar.projectKey=$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY \$SONAR_HOST_URL \
        -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_LOGIN_TOKEN \

  stage: twistlock_scan
    - twistcli images scan \
        --address "https://your-twistlock-console-url" \
        --user $TWISTLOCK_USERNAME \
        --password $TWISTLOCK_PASSWORD \
        --registry $TWISTLOCK_REGISTRY \
        --images "your-docker-image-name"

Replace the placeholder values with your actual configuration:

  • your-sonarqube-url: The URL of your SonarQube server.
  • your-sonarqube-login-token: An authentication token for SonarQube.
  • your-sonarqube-project-key: The project key in SonarQube.
  • your-docker-registry: The URL of your Docker registry.
  • your-twistlock-username: Your Twistlock username.
  • your-twistlock-password: Your Twistlock password.
  • your-twistlock-console-url: The URL of your Twistlock console.
  • your-docker-image-name: The name of your Docker image.

This script includes three stages: build, sonarqube_scan, and twistlock_scan. It assumes you have the necessary tools installed, such as Docker, SonarQube Scanner, and Twistlock CLI. Adjust the script based on your specific environment and requirements.

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